Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year's from Pentagram

This is it! The New Year! :)

It's have been a quiet moment from us from these 2 to 3 months back. But here we are again, posting a Happy New Year wishes to all of our supporters!

2011 has been an amazing and monumental year for Pentagram Gaming. The team has undergone line-up changes in the Counter-Strike division, bringing back BoRN to the team and most of the players sat for their important exam too. We wish them luck and all the best for their upcoming results!

We here at Pentagram Gaming are proud to share those amazing moments with our supporters and we are looking to do the same in the future!

So once again, from the management team, staff, crew and players of the Pentagram Gaming team, we would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year and all the best in 2012! :)


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