Thursday, April 05, 2012

Half dead. Really.

We are not dead nor alive!

It seems that we are currently inactive and our website has not been updated since January 2012. Well guess what? We are not dead! We are still alive with the same team and players except that most of our players are busy with their life so not much gaming happen in awhile.

And for the moment, our website designer, exitiuM and fye. is currently working on a company website under the name of Team Pentagram Media Crew. We hope them the best of luck! And sad to hear that Counter-Strike seems dead here in our place and recent tournament has been cancelled at the last minute due to not enough team participation.

We might disband our Counter-Strike team if this continues. But most of our Counter-Strike players is now playing Heroes of Newerth! Now it's April and not so much progress happens in the team but the most important thing for now is for our players to successfully live their life and in favor of that, we here from the management of Team Pentagram, wishing all of our players all the best!

Be on the look out as we might be updating more soon. Our site is currently in silence but we will revive it someday so don't worry. Thank you to all whom supporting us throughout these 2 - 3 amazing years since 2009! Much love! :)


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